our vision


Flourishing churches are tough to find, build and to maintain; therefore our desire must be intense and our quest must be disciplined. Here at High Place Church our vision is made up of many broad aspects, but in its simplest condensed format, our vision is threefold:


Longevity Of Fruitfulness

We are going to focus on people more than programs. Our desire is to march as a living organism into our God given destiny and not to stumble in organizational darkness. Our desire is not to be movements representing what use to be, but mission starters designed to meet the future. We all have a choice: to be a historical church or a history making church. We long to answer the question “did they leave a Legacy”.


Cultural penetration

We long to Impact the people of our day. Understanding the times in which we serve as leaders and the context of our ministry challenges. As we recognize the astronomical changes seen in culture world wide, we will intensify our search for appropriate forms, structures, styles, programs and ministry philosophy that rise to the occasion in effectively imparting the revelation of the plan of redemption through the salvation of Jesus Christ alone reconciling man back to God. We long to answer the question “did they penetrate the people of their day”?


adherence to scripture

In our search we will sustain biblical truths that make up our spiritual distinctiveness and convictions. We will be mindful and aware of potential extremes leading to the dangers of: -Exclusivity (from all other professing Christian organizations) -Judgmental Spirit -Rigid Criticism without the facts.


If the foundations are destroyed, What can the righteous do? Psalm 11:3